Thursday, August 31, 2006


DLD - Developing Leaders Day

Oh shit, Kevin attended the DLD. Now he is able to really lead the LEAP-team!

Yes, you are right. Now I am a leader!!

The whole day was organised by the facis of ABN AMRO and Cadbury Schweppes. They got the chance to let their facis train AIESECers at an international conference. They have done this for the last three years now. This year's motto was "Leading from within".

So, what have we done?
The morning started with a veeery short breakfast and a quick opening plenary. Since we had met our facis yesterday evening already we just met with our groups and went to the workshop rooms. Introduction, Get-to-know and a kind of a personality test followed. The test was similar to the Bevin-test; in fact we had to answer questions about our reactions on certain situations. It resulted in 5 types of personalities: "please person", "hurry up", "be strong", "be perfect" and "try hard". Guess what kind of person I am... :)

At lunch I had lost my energy already...

In the afternoon we worked on a comprehensive case study named The Saint George Triangle. It was fun and challenging at the sam moment. But we had not that much time therefore it was kind of stressful. it was quite hard not to fall asleep - not because of the facis, they were great. But the last days have been so long and I realy need some sleep...

Right now the closing speech of this day has ended. This evening we are attending the Polish Night - see what his will be...

Have a nice evening, see you next week.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


AIESEC University live!

Yesterday was about issue-based experiences. What does this mean, what did we do?
In the morning I attended a workshop about bridging the gap between the "west" and the Arab world. We talked about the start of a kind of a PboX on the international level. There are a lot of perceptions on both sides that AIESEC intends to face and to dismantle. Therefore countries initiate special traineeships that will be part of this program. Since we will try to receive financial support of the EU it seems to be a very interesting program, especially because of the LEAP-project.

in the afternoon we joined several partner workshops that were led by facis of the partners. I attended Inbev. One of their products is Beck's. :)
It was an encouraging WS where after the introduction we worked on 2 "case studies". We had to reflect on decisions a CEO would make and present them to the plenum. Was a nice one...

Today the AIESEC University started. Actually we attend workshops facilitated by directors of AI. That does not mean that the quality is higher than the workshops on regional conferences in Germany. But the variety of "courses" is wider.
We have three days of AIESEC Uni consisting of two parts. The first part - 1,5 hours - is theoretical, the second - 1,5h - works on case studies.
Right now we have finished the first part of the first day. At 18h the practise part starts.

This morning we had a session about AIESEC becoming truly global. At the end the delegates had the chance to go to the expansion initiatives and get to know to what's going on. I missed half of it. But when I approached I recognised that Anas was talking and explaining the real life situation in Palestine.There is kind of potential for something... ;)

So far I feel okay over here. It is like a conference but longer. Since i am here in Warsaw for 11 days already I am looking forward to the end of the IC. I will see that I get a train ticket for september 4th.


LEAP at the AIESEC Alumni Spreefahrt 2006 in Berlin this weekend

Lars and Christopher will present the LEAP Project at the AIESEC Alumni Spreefahrt and all participants will learn more about how the project is developing right now. The AIESEC Alumni Spreefahrt is happening on Saturday, 2nd of September 2006. More Infos you get from the Homepage:





LEAP in Warsaw

The LEAP Team was in Warsaw to have a Pre-Pre-Meeting with the delegation from Palestine (Kevin, Anas and Luma). Here some pictures:

Kevin the tour guide

Luma, Anas and Arne: finally found the right bus



Arne the direction man:

To see all pictures, check out our Flickr Account:


Monday, August 28, 2006


@ Palestine Gear -- be patient

How horrible to see so many sad faces of people on the IC who wanted to buy our beautiful Palestine-Shirts (created togehther with Anas and Luma) and we were not able to get them done on time ...

Unfortunately our great plan to order at a Polish company (actually to ensure fast delivery) failed miserably, as the company told us a few hours before delivery deadline that they had technical problems and could not make the shirts. UAAAAAAHHH! And there was no capacity to find an alternative in Warsaw to get at least a few shirts done... believe me, in an odyssee throughout Warsaw I tried really hard.

Sooooooo, anyway, we get the shirts done in Germany now... and the cool news is, that they gonna look EVEN HOTTER!

We managed to get much better quality shirts and especially neat ones for the girls. We have to ask a little more for the price now, but the improvement in style is sure worth it, right? ;-)

Details on looks and how to buy your future most favorite AIESEC T-Shirt are coming up next week...


Learning Network (LN)-day

Just in short:
Today it is LN-day. We have workshops and discussions about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), HIV/AIDS, Education, Energy and Finance.

The day started with a speech of former polish Prime Minister Lech Walesa. He was followed by someone from PriceWaterhouseCoopers who had very long but good speech. Unfortunately, since yesterday had been the SSGN-Party that seemed to have been pretty good many people got tired. But then the work-part of the LN-started.

I chose the Education-workshop. So far we had dialogues about the situation of the education systems in different countries. Before lunch we had been divided into several groups. Trainers of some companies are leading the groups. Mine is about ING and UNICEF. We discussed what ING can do that more of their partners get involved into social projects for heping children being educated.
It is interesting to see what opportunities we have to help people. It will go on in a couple of minutes but I don't know what comes next.

For two or three days since this heavy rain in the morning I got a cold. 'Therefore and because of the general overwhelming input of the sessions I get here as well as because of the discussions about Palestine it is jading just to be here. I really need some sleep - or better a lot of sleep...

My best regards and hugs


Sunday, August 27, 2006


Tired & cold

Yes, I am tired. And I have a cold.
Two days ago it was a heavy rain when I had to go to breakfast. Arrived there with wet hair and clothes. Now I got a light cold. That pulls me down, even more than I am already... and still 7 days to go.

Well, today we got lectures about the @Scorecard 2010. Actually, it was okay. But the only topic that matters for me is the Palestine extension. I talked to many people about that becoming depressed by doing so. But we will see, we have a good team in Berlin.

WE rock the house!!


AIESEC - a freedom centered organisation?

I am sorry, but the following comment will be written in German.

Gestern hatten wir den ganzen Tag über eine sehr interessante Session über die Frage, ob AIESEC eine freedom centered organisation sei. Wir haben verschiedene Fragen zu Charakteristika einer auf Freiheit konzentrierten Organisation erörtert und ob AIESEC diese aufweist. In den letzten Tagen des ICs sollten möglichst viele Delegates eine Umfrage ausfüllen und AIESEC nach den diskutierten Charakteristika bewerten.

Die Ergebnisse wurden während der Session vorgestellt. Auf der Skala von 1 bis 6 rangiert AIESEC im Schnitt etwa bei 4,3-4,4, was einem guten Schnitt entspricht. Um diese Werte zu erhöhen, bedarf es aber noch einiger Arbeit in den LCs, u.a. kann AIESEC noch transparenter werden, mehr Dialoge über relevante Themen durchführen und insgesamt seine demokratische Strukturen verbessern. Im Anschluss fanden Gruppendiskussionen über die Machbarkeit statt, wie diese Ziele erreicht werden könnten.

Ein Charakteristikum einer freedom centered organisation ist beispielsweise, dass die Mitarbeiter in ihren Entscheidungen frei sind, zu arbeiten wann sie wollen, solange der Output gut ist.

Heute morgen wurden viele Delegates, die die gestrige AP-GN-Party zu ausgelassen gefeiert hatten oder aus anderen Gründen nicht rechtzeitig beim Opening Plenary erschienen, für über eine Stunde nicht zum Plenary zugelassen, sondern mussten vor der Tür - die von engagierten Türstehern kontrolliert wird - warten. Diese Entscheidung lag nicht beim CC, wie mir jmd. aus dem CC gesagt hatte, sondern war ein Punishment von AI.

Diese Aktion ist ziemlicher Kindergarten gewesen. Wir sind alle erwachsene Menschen. Leider hat es niemanden im Plenum interessiert, was vor der Tür abging.

Wir sind alle als Delegates der AIESEC-Länder hier und daher in gewisser Weise verpflichtet, das eigene Land gut zu vertreten. Aber was ist besser - engagierte Delegates, die dem Plenary folgen oder Delegates, die vor lauter Müdigkeit nicht mehr folgen können? Wenn jeden Abend Partys angeboten werden, die möglichst von vielen Delegates besucht werden sollen, damit sie auch Spaß machen, kann man nicht erwarten, dass ALLE immer überpünktlich anwesend sind.

Wichtiger ist, dass wir engagiert dabei sind und eine gute Arbeit machen. Leute auszuschließen, weil sie nicht ganz pünktlich sind, trägt nicht zur Qualität bei. Diese Einsicht muss aus uns selbst kommen.

Wenn AIESEC wirklich eine freedom centered organisation werden möchte, sollte AI anfangen, die Prinzipien umzusetzen. Das Interesse und die Motivation ist da. Veränderungen inder Welt erreicht man nicht, indem man morgens pünktlich beim Frühstück erscheint.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Good morning!

Day 1 has started this morning. After opening plenary Deutsche Post/DHL had a presentation about how great they are. Every delegate got a yellow DHL-bag with the usual brochures - not very spectacular and I have to carry another bag... Later on Alcatel will present itself - maybe we will get cell phones...? Would be something... :)

Right now we have ashort break. The IC-sessions started with discussions but freedom and if AIESEC fulfils the criteria needed to be scored as one. AIESEC - a freedom-centered organisation? - We will find out this day...

As far as I know the German group visiting from Berlin, they stayed on-campus next to the You Can!-rooms, is on their way to explore Warsaw's Old City. Yesterday they could take part in the CEE-GN-party ('Central and East Europe Growth Network') - they fooled the bouncers in taking the badges of the people already entered the party area... ;) I hope they enjoyed it!

Well, going back tp the session.


Friday, August 25, 2006


IC 2006 has started!!

Yesterday evening the IC 2006 officially opened with the Opening Ceremony. We watched a lot of traditional polish dances, had some short speeches of Dey, PAI, and corporate partners of the IC 2006.
It was a nice opening. The dances were more or less similar therefore I had have a relaxing time. the whole ceremony took about 3 hours...
This morning we had again a long ceremony, the Opening Plenary. But this time we could watch the Role Calls of every AIESEC member countries + the extensions currently running. Since Palestine is not yet officially approved as extension country we were not called. Nevertheless we had quite a good time that went on in the afternoon with the Global Village. All countries could present themselves in the center of Warsaw thus everybody could attend the village.
Even Palestine got an own tent - since a couple of countries are not present at this year's IC some tents were free to take for presenting us. We organised a table, but our stuff was missing. Every coutry had to bring their stuff used to present and give away in the village to the check-in desk at the IC-site. Unfortunately the CC could not make it to deliver our bags on time. Therefore we got it just at the moment the village was closed and were on our way back to the venue... Very annoying since our intention is to present Palestine. We missed this opportunity...
Right now we are listening - or better not listening ;) - to former PAIs talking to us via phone. It is a session about te last 10 years of AIESEC. They are telling us their thought and plans they had thus we can understand how the idea of AIESEC 2010 has been developed. It is a very nice and amazing thing to listen to them and I really respect their work. But it takes a lot of time and I am very tired after this hard day... :)
later on we will meet with around 20 AIESECers from Berlin visiting the IC for this weekend. Hope we can have a bif party overhere.

Please visit There you can find all information about the IC including pictures and movies.

See you


Thursday, August 24, 2006


IC Experience - MENA GN

It is the last day of the pre-meetings -and we got an internet-café on-site now! Thus here is a short report how the last days have been for the LEAP-Team.

It is planned to establish a MENA GN since there is no one at the time being. We took part in the sessions about MENA role, @-Uni in MENA and the whole @-culture. At nights at least Luma and Anas have been partying till dawn. :)

The other MENA countries deeply appreciate he idea of @ in Palestine. Therefore we will receive their support as soon as MENA will be an established GN. That will happen during the Global Legislation at the end of the IC.

So far it is a big thing maybe having @ been extended to Palestine. A lot of people are interested in the issue, above all of course the MENA countries. But there is still a decision missing what AI thinks about the whole thing. To have the chance to become an @ country Palestine needs to be approved by AI at the IPM. So far it is not clear what AI intends to do, and we will not get this information while being in Warsaw.

Therefore and since it is the first time for me being at the IC it is quite a time being here and uncomparable to regional conference in Germany; it is like a big NKK. A lot of people are taking part in the IC and are attending the sessions.
Tomorrow will be the Global Village a huge group from Berlin will visit as well. To place our project - the extension to Palestine! - it will be great if everybody shows his/her support for the project and wears a Palestine-shirt.

Really looking forward to meet you guys tomorrow!

Best regards & big hugs from Warsaw


PS: Have a look to the MCs blog as well: Since they have the capacity to write a lot of thing and share their IC-experience it is worthy to go through the posts.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Palestine T-Shirts


The final preparation is done. Christopher and Arne prepared us well for the conference. Tomorrow it will start with the MENA (Middle East North Africa)-premeeting. And on Thursday the IC 2006 starts!

To assure everyone will recognise the Palestinian delegation we have ordered AIESEC-Palestine-shirts. Since a lot of AIESECers from Berlin will visit the IC at the weekend and the Global Village on Friday hopefully wearing the Palestine-shirts we will have the chance to make a huge impression at this year's IC!

See you at IC!


Sunday, August 20, 2006


Welcome to the LEAP - AIESEC Extension Palestine Blog

Hi and welcome to the Blog for the AIESEC Extension to Palestine.

Here you wil find all the news and updates, that happen to the Team and a status on how the Project is developing.
Stay tuned to hear from the Palestine Delegation on IC 2006 in Warsaw!



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